
Money Summit and Wealth Expo Series: Real-Estate Investing

This is part 1 of a 3-part series on the money lessons I’ve learned from the recently held Money Summit and Wealth Expo seminar.  This series will cover the 3 ways to grow your money: real-estate investing, stock market investing and building a business.

  • Part 1 – Real-Estate Investing 
  • Part 2 – Stock Market Investing
  • Part 3 – Building a Business

Real-Estate Investing


During the Money Summit and Wealth Expo, I was lucky to learn from 3 very successful real-estate investors: Trace Trajano, Eden April Alemania-Dayrit and Noli Alleje.  Read on as I share to you those lessons so you too can start building your riches through real-estate investing.


Trace Trajano

Best-selling author of Think Rich Quick and Real-Estate Guru


Trace Trajano is widely regarded as the author of the best-selling book “Think Rich – Quick”, which he co-authored with Larry Gamboa.  He, along with Larry Gamboa share a dream to create 1 million Millionaires by year 2020.  This is a huge and audacious goal but with millions of dollars in successful real-estate investments and several students coached who are now millionaires, this is a dream not far from reality. 

According to Trace, real-estate is a good investment mainly for 4 reasons: income, equity, appreciation and leverage. 

  • Real-estate gives you income in terms of capital gains when you decide to sell the property or monthly rental from your tenant in case you rent it out. 
  • As you pay down the amortization, you build equity for the property.
  • Appreciation means as the price of goods increase due to inflation, the value of your property generally rises with it. 
  • Lastly, real-estate gives you the leverage to acquire a property even with only 10% down payment. 

Trace also warns about the risks in making money through real-estate.  He mentioned about the condo craze where everybody is buying pre-selling condos.  The reason he does not encourage buying a pre-selling condo is because it is subject to market fluctuations.  Real-estate markets can go from boom to bust in a few years.  Your money is also tied up for 3 to 5 years and therefore not working for you during this period.  He said, it is even more dangerous to use your life savings and securing a bank loan because you risk losing everything.  The bank can go after everything you own if the deal does not turn out to be as good as you’re hoping for.

Another risk you can encounter when you invest in real-estate is getting a bad tenant when you decide to rent your property out. Without effective screening of tenants and proper property management, you can risk getting a “tenant from hell”.  A tenant who is not only good at avoiding paying your monthly rentals but even better than your lawyer in taking advantage of every loophole in the law so you cannot evict him.

To mitigate these risks, Trace suggests  to learn the real-estate business first through Affiliate Real Estate Marketing.  When you do Affiliate Real Estate Marketing, you basically sell another person’s property first.  When you successfully sell the property, you get extra income through commissions.  When you are not able to sell the property, you would still end up building your buyer’s list without losing money since the property is not yours anyway.  When you go through the process, you will learn more about the real-estate market.  You will know what properties are selling hot in an area and what’s not. You get to work in the real-estate business without risking your own money in a property.

According to Trace, the goal of a real-estate investor is to make money from the property, NOT necessarily to acquire the property.  To achieve this goal, one simply has to find a qualified buyer, understand his needs and financial capabilities, and find the right property that fits his needs. 

This is where Trace’s eXtreme marketing comes in.  To do extreme marketing, you need to ask 3 things:

  1. Who is your target market?
  2. What is your compelling message?
  3. What is your medium?

Who is your target market?  What are their needs? Why will they pay you the price?  Landlords for example are mainly concerned with ROI and cash flow.  End buyers normally focus more on the down payment and the monthly amortization. 

What is your compelling message? How will your message stand out?  What will compel prospects to call or contact you? You need to consider your target market when you formulate your message.  Know what’s important to them and deliver that message.

What is your medium?  Will you do online marketing? Or will you do offline like handing out flyers, posting bandit signs and the like?  Are people in your target market even logging in to the internet? 

These are important questions you need to ask yourself when you decide to do extreme marketing to sell your property.


Eden April Alemania-Dayrit

Rent-To-Own Specialist

Eden is the fastest and youngest millionaire Think Rich Pinoy franchisee.  She specializes in rent-to-own deals.  To this date, she has already bought and sold more than a dozen houses in just 2 years.

According to Eden, one can earn from real-estate in 3 ways: wholesaling, retailing and rent-to-own. 

  • Wholesaling is when you buy a property at way below (e.g. 60%) market price.
  • Retailing is when you do some renovations, flip the property and sell it for a higher price. 
  • Rent-to-own, also known as lease with option to purchase offers the tenant the option to own the property once fully paid. 

You can also earn through real-estate by becoming either a passive investor or an equity partner.  When you’re a passive investor, you earn a guaranteed 8 – 12% annual return.  You basically lend money to acquire the property.  As a return, they give your money back along with the interest after a few months.  When you decide to become an equity partner, you share in the profit like splitting it 50-50, but you also share in the risk in case the property is not sold or you get a bad tenant. 

The basic formula for investing in real-estate is Find – Fund – Fix – Sell – Profit. 

  1. Find a great property that’s below market price. 
  2. Fund it by using other people’s money through passive investors or equity partners. 
  3. Fix it by doing renovations to make it ready for occupancy. 
  4. Sell the property to your target market. 
  5. Profit from the property when you’re able to sell the property at a price higher than what you originally paid for it even after factoring in renovation expenses, paying back your investor’s money including interests, marketing expenses and taxes.

As you can see, the formula is very simple, but going through the process is definitely not easy. 


Noli Alleje

The Property Forum Founder


Noli is the master auctioneer who was once successfully auctioned properties worth around 3 Billion pesos.  Yes, that’s capital “B” as in billions. 

According to Noli, the auctioning of foreclosed assets started in the early ‘90s during the boom of the property sector.  When the Asian financial crisis hit, people suddenly could no longer pay their monthly amortization, thereby causing those properties to be foreclosed through “Dacion en Pago” (a.k.a. good foreclosures).  

In 2009, the Philippines had about 184 Billion worth of foreclo
sed assets.  The past due loans for the same year amounted to around 115 Billion pesos.  This means, there’s a big opportunity out there in foreclosed assets.

Why is it a good idea to invest in foreclosed assets?  According to Noli, the papers are generally (but not always) in order primarily because banks have a reputation to protect.   Because of this, banks normally would have to do some asset inspection, appraisals, etc.

Noli warns though that this business is not for the weak of heart.  The fact that it is foreclosed means there’s a problem.  When you invest in a foreclosed property, you need to do your due diligence.  You need to inspect the property in the morning and afternoon, at night and dawn, weekdays and weekends.  Take pictures.  Look for defects on the water line.  You can also ask the neighbors to find out more about the property.

In the end, you make money when you buy so you need to make sure you’re getting a great property for a great price before going into a deal.


That’s all I have on my notes about real-estate from the Money Summit and Wealth Expo Seminar. I hope you learned something to give you a head start in building your riches through real-estate investing.


P.S.  If you have a great property about to be foreclosed or you just need to sell your property fast, we can help!  Just go to

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Financial Goals 2010 Mid-Year Update

It’s now July! The first half of the year has already passed.  Time does fly so fast, doesn’t it?  So many things have happened and I am still amazed at how this blog has grown steadily over the past 6 months.  Before we welcome the next half of the year, I’d like to take this time to reflect and give you an update on my 3 financial goals for this year 2010

Financial Goal #1 – Buy a House!

My first goal for 2010 is to Buy a House.  The short update is…NO we have NOT bought a house yet.  But maybe soon. 🙂

My wife and I actually invested in a house…but only for a private lending deal.  Besides, we won’t actually own the house, so that doesn’t count.  That deal, however, introduced us to great friends doing business in real-estate whom I am learning a lot from.  In the next months I will also be spending some time to learn investing in real-estate myself. 

We’ve also been looking at buying a nice 2-bedroom unit on a pre-selling mid-rise condo.  But this one will NOT be ready for occupancy until April 2012.  We actually paid the reservation already so hopefully, if everything is in order, my first goal for the year could actually be within reach (at least technically). :) 

Financial Goal #2 – Invest 20% of my money

The second goal I have is to invest 20% of my money.  I’ve started investing in the Philippine Stock Market.  I’ve tried the cost-averaging method via CitisecOnline’s EIP and even Bo Sanchez’ SUPER EIP way! The experience has been an eye opener for me. 

Apart from that, I also got into a private lending deal on real-estate.  While I haven’t gotten my money back yet, I’m confident this will lead into more investing opportunities in the future. 

Just last week, one of my friends also asked me to invest in her Travel Agency business.   Normally, I don’t lend money unless I’m very sure I will get my money back.  However, since I know her and the money (including interest) will be returned in just 7 days, I thought it was worth a try.  If this deal goes well, I might be encouraged to invest again in the future and probably open it up also to dear readers of this site.

I’ve also been investing heavily on my personal development these past months.  I’ve just attended the Money Summit and Wealth Expo last weekend to learn more about money, business and investing.  The 2-day seminar was a blast!  The energy from the speakers as well as the attendees was simply amazing!  Up to now, I’m still digesting everything.  I’m really excited to share the lessons I’ve learned from that seminar to our dear readers.  So, watch out for that in the coming weeks.

Financial Goal #3 – Be Consciously Alive

The 3rd and last goal I have is to be consciously alive.  This goal has more to do about my desire to live a healthier lifestyle than anything else.  This is the reason why I think your health is more important than your money

While I’m not sick at the moment, my health has not been ideal the past few months.  It is not where it is supposed to be.  My lifestyle is not very good.  I still drink coffee a lot.  I am also having a hard time getting enough sleep.  As a result, I’ve easily gotten a cold every now and then.

I’m always in a hurry. Most of the time, I go for fast food.  My weight has increased so much that my pants now hardly fit.  Oh well, it’s a good thing fitted pants are the “in” thing these days.  I don’t have to feel so out of place. 🙂

One good news is that I finally used our condo’s gym.  Finally.  Just today.  And I liked it.  I’ll probably go to the gym more often now.

Quite honestly, this goal is a little bit vague to measure and be actually effective.  So, to make this goal more specific, measurable and make me accountable :-), I’m revising it to say “my goal is to weigh 80 kilograms by December 31, 2010”.  I only have less than 6 months to go so I better get started right away!  Wish me luck!


P.S.  Dear Readers, what financial goals do you have for the year?  How have you made progress on your goals now that the first half of the year has passed?

Investing Stocks

The Most Important Lessons about Investing

Here’s an interesting guest post from Mariusz, sharing his thoughts on the most important lesson about investing.  Read on and enjoy!

If you are a beginning investor, it can be very confusing to listen to others who give you advice on how to invest your hard-earned money. The best thing that you can do is ignore most of the advice and educate yourself following the strategies of investors who successfully built wealth over long periods of time, not just over the last few days, months, or quarters. I would suggest reading lots of books on the subject of value investing.

The major theme that you will get from reading these books is that in order to be a successful investor, you must think that when you buy stocks, you are investing in businesses because this is exactly what stocks represent.

When companies are started, they usually are funded with some type of private or venture capital money. When a company becomes big enough, its management might turn to the public markets to raise money to pay off the original financial backers and to grow the business going forward. When that happens, the company issues shares to the public through a process called the Initial Public Offering, and these shares are assigned ticker symbols such as DVR or MORN.

At this point, they start trading on the exchanges such as the NASDAQ or New York Stock Exchange. These exchanges allow stock owners to buy and sell their ownership interests in companies. While it can be very cumbersome to buy and sell private businesses, shares of publicly traded companies can trade hands with a click of mouse. This liquidity can be advantageous for investors because it allows quick access to cash, but I believe that it actually lures investors into becoming gamblers or speculators. For example, do you know anyone who has a successful business? You probably do. How many times do you see this person selling his or her business during the course of a year? He or she probably holds on to the business for years, if not forever, reaping the benefits of business ownership.

However, because public markets allow investors to buy and sell within seconds, this allows them to become flaky investors who forget about the underlying business and, instead, focus solely on the stock price. As a result, they are willing to abandon their ownership whenever bad news about the company is released. A private owner would never sell a business simply because the Fed changed interest rates or China’s GDP slowed down.

“If you truly want to experience success in investing, you must realize that when you buy stocks, you become a partial owner, or a salient partner in the businesses that these stocks represent.”

But that’s not everything. Just because you realize that a Lexus is a car doesn’t mean that you should be willing to pay any price for it. Depending on the model and year, you would not pay more than you think it is worth. Businesses are no different – they have values. It is safe to say that Business A is worth more than Business B, if Business A generates more money than Business B. So it would be logical to assume that it is not the best strategy to overpay for businesses because when it is time to sell, for whatever reason, it would be hard to find another fool that would be willing to overpay you for your business.

While this may seem logical to you, this is exactly the opposite of how the majority of investors invest. They get excited when prices go up and depressed when prices go down. So they are happy and more willing to buy businesses when they become expensive, and they are sad when these same businesses become cheaper. To me, this doesn’t make any sense, but this is the world of investing.

The recipe for successful investing is simple: treat stocks as businesses, buy them with the intentions of becoming an owner, pay only the price that makes sense, and wait for your wealth to grow.

That’s it. It is that simple, but for some, it is too simple. The investment industry cannot possibly follow this strategy because how else would most investment professionals justify charging you insanely high fees in relation to its terrible investment performance?

About the author:

Mariusz Skonieczny is the founder and president of Classic Value Investors, LLC, an investment management company. He is also the author of Why Are We So Clueless about the Stock Market? Learn how to invest your money, how to pick stocks, and how to make money in the stock market

P.S. How about you? What do you think is the most important thing to keep in mind when investing in the stock market?

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Rich Money Habits Carnival – Frugality and Success

Welcome to the second edition of the Rich Money Habits Carnival!

In this edition we will highlight the top 5 frugality and success articles out of the tons of money stories we’ve received during the month of February.  May these articles inspire you to live a wealthy and successful life.  Enjoy!

Rich Money Habits Top 5 Picks


  • Steve C presents Why Being Frugal Can Only Take You So Far On Your Path To Wealth posted at RMH – A great read on the age-old dilemma of going too cheap.  Steve argues that raising your income by working on your business gives back way bigger returns than the measly saved income you gain from cutting back  expenses.
  • Faizal Nisar presents Secret of Success: YOU | Be Truly Happy posted at Be Truly Happy, saying, “Creating money begins in the mind. Once you learn that success is a mindset, you can become rich in any industry.” RMH – Inspiring article on taking responsibility for your own success.  The question at the end says it all, “will you take responsibility for your success, or blame others for your failure.”
  • KCLau presents Focus: Achieving Goals posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “A guest post by Sayeed, a senior manager in a large MNC in Penang on how he achieved his financial goals.” RMH – Interesting article on why we should keep on dreaming.  Sayeed offers 5 tips on how to focus on your dream and achieve it.  My personal favorite – “get 15 minutes a day to read a book, best before going to bed. Develop the habit from there…”
  • FIRE Getters presents A Simple Budget That Works? posted at FIRE Finance. RMH – Very helpful tips on how to make your budget “actually” work.  The article aptly describes the problem of budgeting as being “too complex and rigid” while real life demands “flexibility and simplicity.”
  • Wenchypoo presents Ending Bureaucracy posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket. RMH – Great article explaining what bureaucracy means.  While reading the article, I couldn’t help but compare it to how big companies “bureaucracies” disguised these things as “processes”…in reality, all these “processes” do is delay you from doing what you really need to do in the first place.

Other interesting articles in this edition

Money Stories


Personal Finance



That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Rich Money Habits Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Building Rich Money Habits 101: My personal finance story

I have always thought there’s only one formula in making money.  That is work hard and at the end of each month, you get your paycheck.  Growing up in a family of farmers, I have seen what working hard really means.  I’ve experienced waking up early in the morning, go to the farm, plant or harvest rice until the sun sets in.  When you go home after a long day of working, the aching muscles says it all.  It is HARD work.  I’ve learned from my parents that if you want to have some money, you have to work  for it.  Often times, I’d go along with my mom to harvest tobacco leaves from a nearby town, and afterwards, she’d pay me for how much I was able to harvest.  That’s always been my training in terms of making money.  That was my first money habit – work to earn.

When I was in College, I wanted very much to help my parents pay for my education.  I was fortunate to have been granted a full scholarship, so that took care of the tuition.  Even then, making money from a far away province, and spending it in the most expensive city in the country is no easy task.  It is an uphill battle similar to walking up to a going down escalator.  So in my own little way, I also tried to make money by applying as student assistant to one of the university’s projects.  It doesn’t pay much since it is a government project but enough to pay some of my daily expenses and grow my confidence.

After graduating, I immediately started work as a mainframe programmer for a multinational IT company.  The offer I got then was around 16,000 pesos which was BIG money then for someone who’s fresh out of college and don’t have much working experience.  I worked very hard and was fortunate enough to be promoted almost every year.

As my paycheck increased, my appetite for consumption also increased.  I bought a refrigerator, a washing machine, gas stove, shoes, etc, ALL at the same time, EVEN when I didn’t have the money to pay for it.  I just used my new credit card!  That’s when my debt started to pile up.  The “easy” monthly payments never lived up to its promise.  No monthly payment was easy, especially when you only have your paycheck to rely on.  As my debt seemingly increased every month, I also had to worry about paying my monthly house rental, buying groceries, eating out with friends, and more.  There were times I was so out of money I even had to do “cash advance” on my credit card.  As some of you might know, you get to pay a hefty “fee” for doing a cash advance.  This is on top of the amount of money you actually “advanced”.  My already big debt, ballooned even more!  I was so ashamed of having to do cash advance, I promised right there and then, I had to pay for my debt no matter what.  It was like a having compound interest working against me.  I had to learn how money works.  I had to figure it out no matter what.  I had no choice.

While pondering my huge debt, I tried to look for ways to earn more money.  I tried doing some programming projects for friends.  I even entered the world of network marketing, tried selling wellness products and failed miserably.  I remember that my only “downlines” (a term indicating those you’ve recruited into the business) was my mother, my aunt, and a few of my friends.  It was a learning experience.  The thing that struck me most, was that my “need” for money, was being transferred to my “clients”, without me being conscious of it.  It was hard “selling” something you don’t 100% believe in and it’s even harder when your motivation is “making” more money without necessarily helping other people.  I think this mindset barrier is one of the reasons why I was not able to make it work.  Everyday, I had to battle with myself.  Am I here to really help other people?  Or is it just because of the money?

One time, while me and my friends were hanging out at a bookstore, I saw the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.  I heard my friend say it’s a great book, so I bought it, took it home and devoured the stories and financial lessons in the book.   The book opened my eyes to the world of money I never knew existed before.  That’s when I realized that the rich have different sets of money habits from the poor and the middle class.  For the first time, it finally made sense why I can’t seem to be making a dent on my credit card debt; why I can’t seem to sell anything at all.  Because I had the wrong money habits.  I had to learn rich money habits to achieve financial freedom.

After that, it got me excited to learn more about money. First, I signed-up for our company’s savings plan.  I started really small. At first, only about 2% of my paycheck is automatically deducted and kept under my savings account.  I don’t even get to hold the money.  After a month, I increased it to 5%, then to 10%. After a year of saving, I was able to set aside 20% of my paycheck without necessarily scrimping myself too much.  That was rich money habit #1 – pay yourself first.

With the savings, I had, I was able to pay my debt slowly buy surely.  More than that, it gave me confidence to know that I can do it, with the proper discipline and rich money habit.  When the opportunity came for me to be assigned to the US for a 6-month stint in my company, I was able to save even more and pay-off the rest of my credit card debt. That was rich money habit #2 – get out of bad debt as soon as possible!

I also started to take serious notice of the numerous calls I got from insurance agents offering life insurance.  Before, I would always make up numerous excuses just to avoid talking to them.  But now, I wanted to know more how I can use the different insurance products to protect myself and my family.  I also started reading more on business, money, investing and personal finance.  After a few years, I managed to save up for an emergency fund.  That’s rich money habit #3 – Get some protection!

I’m still a long way to go from financial freedom.  That is my goal.  I am in the process of learning how to build passive and semi-passive income, and I am loving every minute of it.  In this website, I will share whatever I learned so that you too can build your own rich money habits and ensure your financial success and freedom!

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Bo Sanchez's Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program (Day 1)

Last Friday and Saturday, my wife and I attended Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program.  The event is a two-day seminar showcasing financial lessons and tips from Bo Sanchez and his mentors on business, real-estate, stocks, mutual funds and internet marketing. In this 2-part series, I will try to share what I’ve personally learned from the seminar. This is part 1 which includes the insights I’ve learned during the first day of the coaching program.


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Confucius

We arrived at Valle Verde Country Club around 2pm Friday.  We were actually late because we came all the way from Makati and we still had to drop by our house in Mandaluyong, have lunch and take a taxi going to the venue.

When we arrived, the seminar already started.  We were just in time for the first talk of the day.  Thanks to the small note outside the room and a little luck, we managed to find which room the seminar was being held.   The funny thing was, we actually arrived at around the same time as the first speaker.  When the speaker entered the door, we took a quick peek inside and saw that the organizers and the other participants were already inside the room.  We registered right away, took our seats, settled down and prepared ourselves for a very exciting and interesting financial coaching seminar.

Online Stocks Investing

The first speaker was Juan ‘Juanis’ Barredo, the VP of CitisecOnline, which is an online stock brokerage firm in the Philippines.  He has 18 years of experience in the stock market.  What struck me about Juanis is the way he spoke very fluent English.  I thought – “this guy can speak!”.  The way he captures the right words to explain the most intricate subject of stock investing is excellent.

One of the first things I learned from his talk is that less than 1% of the Philippine population invests in the stock market.  Which is really very small compared to other countries like US, Hong Kong, and even for our neighboring countries such as Indonesia.  In the US, even cab drivers invest in the stock market.

The main idea of stock investing is – you buy “shares” of a company to become a part-owner.  That means you are actually investing on a business.  Just like in business, one of the strategies used to gain a profit is to buy “low”, then sell “high”.  The tricky thing about stocks is how to know if the company’s shares are being sold “low” or “high”.  Is it based on the “market price”?  Or is it based on the “actual value” computed from analysis of the company’s earnings and performance?  Or is it both?

I realized that investing in the stock market is a lot like buying a pair of jeans on sale.  How do you know if it’s on sale?  First, you need to know, how much is it truly worth?  That is, how much is it really selling for when it’s not on sale?  For jeans, usually it’s around 1,000 to 2,000 pesos.  Of course, you can buy cheaper jeans from Divisoria, or more high-end jeans from branded stores.  So if they say it’s 70% off, they’re selling the 1000 peso worth jeans for only 300 pesos.  Would you buy?  If it fits and you like it, why not?!  The same is true with stocks.  When a share of the company is worth 1000 pesos and they are selling it for 300 pesos only, would you buy?  If you like the company, and based on your analysis it is really worth 1000 pesos, why not?  Among other things, it should also fit you.  Is the company something you want to be involved in?  Do you and those people running the company share the same core values?  If you have all the money in the world, would you build the same business?

During the seminar, I asked Juanis which companies he personally invests in. Many people in the room laughed. I’m guessing because it’s a familiar territory almost similar to asking your classmate what the correct answer to a question on your exam is.  The main reason I asked is because I wanted to know if he is practicing what he is saying.  To me, more than the information that he shares, it’s the integrity he exudes that really matters.  When he shared what he personally invests in without hesitation, I knew he was someone who really walks his talk.

Business is about relationships

The second speaker was actually the owner of CitisecOnline. His name is Edward Lee.  Actually, I already saw him in one of Bo Sanchez’s videos for Truly Rich Club.  When I spoke to Bo during one of the coffer breaks, I said it was kind of surreal to be able to actually see some of the guys in person, where before we only saw them from the DVDs that we received as a member of Truly Rich Club.

Edward Lee has a very long track record of business success and he shared with us some of the key things he learned as an entrepreneur.  What struck me was that here was a man who’s very successful and wealthy.  But when he speaks, you can see the integrity and passion in his voice.  He’s really excited in sharing the lessons that he learned, occasionally sharing  some personal stories from which he derived most of his business success.

One very important thing I learned from him is that – business is all about relationships.  It’s building relationships with your people, your customers, and your suppliers.  As Bo mentioned later, “you buy from your friend”.  Upon reflection, I realized that “yes, I am like everyone else, I really buy from my friends.”  When I want to know something, I ask my friends.  When there’s something I want to buy, I try to find out who from my friends are into that business.

I realized we are just one piece of a big puzzle.  We do our share.  When we buy from our friends, what we’re really doing is sharing what we have to the world.  It’s the same thing when we sell.  Because we address a problem that our friends are facing, we’re making their life a little bit easier.

Business is about Integrity

The second thing I learned from Edward is that it’s very important to be very trustworthy and keep your word.  Even if it losses you money.  Even if it costs an arm or a leg.  This is a core value that rings very close to my heart.   I like to deal with those I trust.  I realized that when I don’t really believe in something, I hesitate to share it to my friends.  I am a silent man, but when I share, I want to make sure it is something my friends will benefit.  More than the money, it’s because they are my friends.  Friends look out for each other.  We want the best for them. Isn’t it great to give and be able to share something valuable with your friends?

Real Estate

The third speaker was Larry Gamboa, the author of Think Rich Pinoy.  He shared about the idea of franchising in the world of real estate.  Perhaps because it was something new and still in its infancy, I had a hard time following where the talk was going.  I guess because it is something that was still in the works, it was also hard for him to explain.  What I appreciated about him is that he realizes what people are going through.   He recommends learning while also earning at the same time to shorten the gap between dreaming and execution.

Internet Marketing part 1

Bo also shared some tips on internet marketing.  He mentioned that is making money through donations, all through the power of the internet and marketing. The website is actually making lots of money from those donations which all goes to the many programs that Bo is organizing to help those in need like the Anawim – a place for abandoned elderly, or the charity that aims to help pregnant women.  This is a very good example of showing that the ultimate purpose of money is to help and love other people.

This is only day 1 but there were already so many things I’ve learned. Watch out for the part 2 of this blog post where I’ll share personal insights I’ve learned from day 2 of the Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program.

Do you like to attend Bo’s Truly Rich financial seminars but you are based outside the Philippines? Here’s your chance!

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