Business Life Lessons

Chuck and the Buy More guys

I’ve been watching “Chuck” the past few days.  It’s a new TV series about an ordinary guy, “Chuck”, who  accidentally uploaded secret government information into his brain by reading an email from his spy friend “Bryce”.   He has a very high capacity for absorbing information and got himself recruited by the CIA and NSA unknowingly.  He works at “Buy More”, an electronic shop who sells and supports electronic gadgets, computers and laptops.   Working with him in the “Buy More” store are funny guys who remind me of the “Geek Squad”.  I like this show.  It’s funny, not so emotional, and entertaining.  It makes me laugh.  Got to get back to the TV. =)

Books Business Life Lessons

iWoz and my microprocessor days

I’m fond of going to the bookstore and see if there’s anything new. I like to read on the lives of great people. I’d like to know how they think, how they got to where they are, what they stand for.

After reading iWoz, a book written by Steve Wozniak, I had a renewed appreciation for Engineers. Steve Wozniak is an Engineer by profession and he created the Apple II computer. He is an excellent designer, using as few chips as possible, continuously making improvements, finding delight in the thought of beating himself.

In some ways, reading the book made me remember the wonderful days I had working with chips as a student. I worked on some small projects at school. At one time, I had to attach a keypad and an LCD display on a microprocessor chip, added a few resistors, capacitors, transistors and make it do some neat things. If you type in a number on the keypad, the number appears on the LCD and then starts counting down. Once it reaches zero, it blinks three times as if to explode. It’s a bit scary walking around with it going to the malls. The security guys might mistake it for a bomb and have me arrested.

At one point, I was also involved in creating a fingerprint-identification system for use on office time-in/time-out. I can still remember my delight when I was able to make the thing work at the middle of the night. There I was, watching my own fingerprint on the computer screen, smiling up to my ears, as if seeing the face of a beautiful girl.

I guess, I just miss those days. It was a wonderful experience. I hope I get to experience the same feeling again in the future.

Business Life Lessons Life Updates

a little something about me

This is my first post. I’ve been toying with the idea of a website for quite some time now. I haven’t really figured out what I really want. I love reading books, and I wanted to create an online bookstore. But then I realized, I don’t have the infrastructure to support the whole thing. I don’t even have any experience setting up anything like it. I guess it is just a dream for now…it will have to wait.

As a first blog entry, I wanted to tell a little something about myself. It’s my simple way of introducing myself to the world.

I am a software testing consultant by profession with extensive experience in mainframe, banking and credit card systems. I love reading books, listening to music, playing basketball, going to the beach, singing karaoke, playing guitar, dreaming and sleeping.

That’s it about me for now…next time I will share something about what I really like.