Around the same time last year, I was an overworked, physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted employee…this time, I feel healthier, more blessed and truly happy. Things change for the better, only if you want it to be and are willing to pay the price.
A year ago, I was trapped, and I didn’t know it at that time. I thought, I only needed to ‘work hard’ and the money will take care of itself. It could be the farthest thing from the truth. Just think, if working hard is the way to riches, then many hardworking jeepney drivers, porters and farmers would have certainly gotten rich by now.

If you’ve been working hard for quite some time, you know how mentally and emotionally draining it is, waking up early in the morning even when you don’t feel like it, mindlessly attending endless meetings every day just because you are forced to. I was in the same boat last year, and the sad part was, my body was literally telling me to stop.
Just when my vacation leave finally got approved and was ready to take a vacation, my body got sick…the ironic thing is, I was sick throughout my only long vacation of the year. Imagine going through a 3 days 2 nights stay in Bohol, island hopping, chocolate-hills trekking, and touring the island ala amazing race while nursing a nasty cold, cough and slight fever. Believe me, it is NOT the best feeling in the world.
That’s when I finally decided that enough is enough. There are more important things in this life other than earning a living. There’s spending time with your family. There’s being able to get back control of your own time. There’s living a passionate and spirited life.
And so I decided that this year will be different. And it WAS different, in more ways than one. I didn’t have the slightest idea what great blessings were waiting for me. All I knew then was that something’s got to change.
When I look back, I had the faintest idea that the CHANGE would be THIS GREAT!
The blessings have been pouring like heavy rain. I’ve already shared that one of most cherished blessing from God in my last article and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
What I haven’t told you yet, is that I have also gotten back control of my own time…and it excites me more knowing that I now have the time freedom to spend it with people who matter most to me, that is, my wife and my baby.
I get nostalgic sometimes, and it’s been an emotional battle the past few months not being able to share this with you. I feel now the time is right for you to get a glimpse of what it is like to take the journey. I want to share with you the same letter I wrote months ago titled, “90 Days to Freedom.” —
“Today, is the start of the 90 days before I finally resign from employment. It’s been 9 years since I started working in the IT industry.
I got lucky, I managed to land a job right after graduation. Even luckier, I managed to get promoted almost every year for the first 4 years.
Before my 5th year, I resigned from my employer and sought opportunities outside the country by working as an IT consultant in Malaysia. I only had one goal in my mind then – to earn enough money so my girlfriend (now my wife) and I can get married. After a year, my wife and I tied the knot.
Another year and a half and we decided to come back home to the Philippines.
It’s been a whirlwind 9 years of my working life.
In 90 days I will be saying goodbye to the 8am – 5pm job. Or should I say, 5am to 8pm? Considering all the time commuting to the office and back home, and everything you have to do in between I feel it is the more accurate description.
I don’t know if it’s a quarter life crisis (Yes, I want to live up to a hundred, healthy and living happily!). May be it is. May be it isn’t. But one thing is for sure. There’s no doubt in my mind. My heart is now craving for my next journey. I want to take back control of my own time. I am counting down to freedom. And I am excited for the next chapter of my life.”
On my last week as an employee, my bonus from one of my part-time income streams was more than I was being paid full-time in my job. A good omen indeed. And only the beginning of blessings that were about to come.
They say, luck favors the prepared mind. It is true. Everything in life is a preparation for you to be ready when the blessings come pouring through your door. Your blessing are already there in front of you…you only need to open your heart and mind to recognize it for what it truly is and be ready to receive it with open arms without any hesitation.
I can honestly say, I am blessed for God has been good to me. And because I am blessed, that’s why I also want to be a blessing to others. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your life, if only to inspire you in your own journey.
Keep believing in your dreams. Act now. Act fast. For you will never know when your time is up.
P.S. If you’re looking for a change in your life and want to find out if you can do what I did and also get started in counting down the 90 days to your own freedom, add me up as friend in Facebook @, PM me and we’ll take it from there. God bless you.
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2 replies on “90 Days To Freedom”
congrats sayo kuya Allan. 🙂
Thanks Monique. God bless you!